Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Is it too early to make a new year's resolution?

The number one thing that I suck at (aside from being lazy...However, I bet that one could make an argument for me actually being GOOD at being lazy): When it really counts, I can't always say what I really mean or what I really want to say.

With the majority of people, I can be as blunt as I want to be, and people generally just see it as the way Mariane is. Which is true, that is the way I am. But in certain situations, I find myself having trouble really speaking my mind.

And this is the reason for the early resolution: I'm going to communicate better with the people that really deserve it. And I am aware that communication is a two-way street. I believe that if a put the effort in on my part, it will only make it easier for the other party to be able to really talk to me as well. And good communication is the cornerstone of any good relationship.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Proud to be an American?

I did a heck of a lot of driving today. This morning I got up at 6:30, drove to Brodheadsville, got a physical and three shots, drove home, drove my sister to pick up her boyfriend in Avoca, drove home, drove back to my apartment, went to the movies, and I am now, finally, home and in bed.

My sister's boyfriend came home from Afghanistan today. He was on a pretty long tour, 9 months or so. I hemmed and hawed today about having to drive my sister there to pick him up at the airport, but I'm really glad that I still followed through with it. I don't know why I didn't realize that these troops coming home would be a really huge deal. When we got to the airport, there was a designated area of the terminal for army family and friends to wait. We stood around for about a half hour before the plane landed and all of the soldiers got off. I am extremely anti-war and relatively anti-military, but when I saw my sister's boyfriend walking off the plane, and when he stopped immediately to give her a big hug, I lost it. So, I definitely cried for a little. And for a moment, I thought I might be proud to be an American or something like that.

The thing that really got to me was all the little kids who were waiting for their daddies to come home. I have never seen so many kids so happy in such a long time. No matter what my ideals may be, I really am glad that I got to be there today and be a part of that.

In other news, I'm really looking forward to writing about a bunch of things in here. Soon to come:
-"Keeping Christ in Christmas"
-My review of the movie version of Twilight
-The atrocious grammar of the Backstreet Boys in their lyrics, specifically "All I Have to Give."

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Always the summers are slipping away...

I haven't blogged in a bit; therefore, I have a lot to say.

My title line is appropriate both for last nights show and the fact that I miss summer. It's kinda funny, because, as horrible as this sounds if you read between the lines, summer pretty much started for me around the first week in April this year. And during that time, I traded an extremely tight-knit group of friends for a group of cool kids who hung out in a bar once a week and were thus loosely connected. When I think about it in those terms, that does not seem like the most life-changing of events or decisions, but I think it happened that way for a reason. Or several extremely specific reasons.

That tight, tiny group is still there, but we're in different places now. We'll never be the same again. And even though a group of bests has drifted apart, I got way closer with my bffl. Who is now halfway across the planet, but still the closest friend I have.

And because of things happening the way that they did, I'm in a wonderful relationship. In so many ways, I could not be happier.

I'm going to begin substitute teaching soon, so I can get back to what I know I should be doing with my life.

Everything works out the way it should; everything happens for a reason. Like going to Dunkin Donuts that morning. That had to happen. And thank god it did. There's a little bit of sanity back in the Valley.

On a much, much lighter note: On the way down to the show last night, Jess made an amusing comment about how Edward Cullen's hair is so perfect because he's had about a century to stand it front of his bedroom mirror combing and mussing until it's just right while listening to "Creep" on repeat. So what do Jess and I do during that song? "I'm a creep...I'm a vampire...What the hell am I doing in Forks?" You get the idea. At least if you have read the Twilight books and have a vague idea of the sound of Radiohead's "Creep," you get the idea.

I'm not quite sure why, but I feel like some things are ending, and that's why I'm writing this the way that I am. It was Boyfriend's last show of the year, but there's just something else looming out there that is casting this weird sense of finality over my day. It could be that it's kind of gloomy out. It could be that I still have red nail polish on and no nail polish remover and that fact is making me twitch because there are few things in this world that I hate more than the feeling of nail polish on my fingernails. It could be that I just haven't written in awhile. Or maybe something big is about to change or end or maybe even begin. I'm excited to be along for the ride, wherever it may take me.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Geek Rant #1

Today's Midday Matinee is Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. It is so because I say it is so. I have much power in these parts.

Anyway, I'm a giant nerd/geek/dork/loser/whateverI'mstillawesomesothere, and I like to look up trivia on the movies that I know and love and/or saw 6 times in the theatres before watching a million more times on two-disc DVD. IMDB is generally my favorite place to find random bits of trivia.

Moments ago, my mind was literally just blown. According to the trivia page on, TOM STOPPARD did a "script polish" on Revenge of the Sith.



Tom Stoppard. The drama geek's Tom Stoppard. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Tom Stoppard did a script polish on Revenge of the Sith.

And now, the question remains; why the hell is it still nowhere near as good as The Empire Strikes Back?

/end Geek Rant #1. Stay-tuned for future geek rants.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Not so great.

I am posting from an undisclosed location right now. The funny thing is, there's no one around to really care that I'm blogging right now.

I have the worlds worst cramps, and I am going to be right where I am for quite some time.

I wonder if I were to kill someone, would I be able to get off for temporary insanity? Because of the cramps?