I always find the urge to blog when I am nowhere near a computer or near a computer that would be an unwise choice for the bloggings. Today is a prime example of this. I actually subbed for a computer teacher who (first time EVER) left me a log on for a computer. I started thinking about all of the wonderful things I could write, and then I realizes that School District in Which I am Subbing probably would not appreciate my bloggish musings.
I honestly do not feel like writing right now. However, I feel compelled to do so. I will explain why in a moment.
August was a bit of a whirlwind, so a general update on my whereabouts and well-being might be in order.
I moved out of 517. This was fraught with drama, and unnecessary bad feelings were foisted upon me. I moved out and moved on over to the West side, in with Boyfriend. I have been living here ever since. Very happy.
On the flip side of that very happy, School that I Wanted to Teach at Full-Time hired 4 people to teach English and none of them were me. Not cool. However, the very next day I got a call from Local Community College asking me if I would be interested in teaching a few lower level English classes. I accepted, so now I teach college on Tuesdays and Thursdays, sub on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and work at the good old Lodge on the weekends. With all of this, I believe I will have managed to cobble together the sort of acceptable income that allows me to live on my own but not save anything or have health insurance. Welcome to my mid-twenties.
The reason I felt compelled to write and will attempt to continue feeling compelled to write is my LCCC class. I gave my students an assignment that is designed to force them to write in a journal twice a week, and I feel like I would be letting them down if I were not practicing what I am preaching. So, while I teach them about nouns and verbs and stuff, I will be muddling along with them in their journal-writing struggles. And I promise I will work on concluding sentences.
Friday, September 11, 2009
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