Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rock the Vote!

I'm getting ridiculously excited for November 4th. I can't wait for these seven days to pass. In exactly one week, I will be casting my vote in my second Presidential election since I have been registered to vote.

I'm not exactly sure why I am so excited. For those of you that know me, you know that I have been way more emotionally invested in this election than I ever have been before. Even though I know it doesn't make much of one, I still feel that my one vote counts for something. It's about as patriotic as I get.

Last night, my Choir Mates made an interesting comment on the fact that one of the most important people in my life is not even registered to vote. Choir Mate seemed surprised that I, of all people, would be OK with that. He went on to say that he would rather date a registered Republican than someone who wasn't even registered to vote. I'm not going to say that I'm necessarily OK with it, but my ideals are my own, and I have no plans to force them on anyone.

I hope there are people out there who are as excited as I am to head to the polls next Tuesday. And if you are registered, I can't force you to do anything. However, I can offer you my opinion that everyone should take adavantage of this right we have as Americans. Holla.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I haven't written for some time...

My fingers are itching for it.

I suppose we should start with the big news: I bought a car. It's a 2005 Hyundai Elantra. It's beautiful and drives nice and all I want to do is drive it. All the time. I have actually sat here this evening thinking about how much I can't wait for work to be over so that I can drive my car again.

In weird news: I have full control over the space right now, and I may or may not have watched both football and baseball willingly this evening. We did get new music on the main computer, so I do have a pretty jammin' playlist accompanying my new foray into the wide world of sports. Yay for Flobots.

In annoying news: I have so much shit that I need to do before next week and not so much time to do it in. I need to get my apps together, because, after Wednesday, I only have one more week full time here, and then I must (MUST) dive into the wide world of substitute teaching. This is so I can afford to live due to rent, loans, and car payments and such. I also need to clean out my old car as she is getting sold to one of my friends. I want to at least vaccuum her out, and in order to do that, I'll be up pretty late on Tuesday evening. My main problem is that, as of right now, I like to use my days off to be in my apartment area, spend time with the boyfriend, etc. One of the many reasons I liked working some nights as opposed to all days.

One annoying little child just asked me if I would turn off my jammin' playlist so that he could hear his game on the big screen. I and Oasis said NO. Some child is not going to deprive me of one of the small pleasures in my life, damnit.

In closing news: We got new employee handbooks that outline our blogging policy. Therefore, my views are my own and have nothing to do with the company I work for.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Young. Goofy. Infinite.

That is the best and most positive definition that I can come up with for myself. And they are not my words.


Monday, October 13, 2008

I need light in the dark as I search for the resolution.

Still obsessed. Every morning that I open Gr8_space, I throw my Zune on the AV out line from the dj mixer, and I just veg out to the Glass Passenger as I go about my morning duties.

I had a pretty awesome past few days. I just need...more.

(I promise I will elaborate on this more. More on the more. I'm promising this to myself, btdubs.)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A room of one's own.

I'm pretty positive that an empty teen tech center is not what Virginia Woolf had in mind when she wrote that, but that's what I've got right now. A room of my own for thinking and writing and other sorts of fun stuff. Like playing two hours of Rock Band. I am truly disappointed to find out that "So What'cha Want's" bass line on medium consists of holding down the green fret and strumming exactly 144 times. Needless to say, I got 100% and 5 stars on that sucker. I have no real reason for playing Rock Band 2 anymore. Among the 3 of us staff members down here, we've opened up every song in the game. Now at new tour venues, I'm playing the same songs over and over again. And if it's Blondie's "One Way or Another," I'm completely effing up the ending every time.

Once again, I am clearly not complaining. The fact that I am currently "working" does not cease to amaze me.

Events for gr8_space today:
12-2: Nightmare Before Christmas on the big screen
2-3: Disney SceneIt
3-5: Rock Band on the big screen
5-7: Open Gaming
7-8: Family Karaoke
8-9: Wii Bowling Tournament
9-10: Super Smash Brothers Brawl on the big screen

...and I guarantee that no one will be coming in to do any of this. Funny.

I'm going to look at another new (old) car tomorrow. The difference with this one is that I will actually buy this car if it drives well. I'm already in love from afar. We'll see if the feelings remain once we meet.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blogging live from gr8_space!

I have been rescheduled for mostly mornings at work, and that means that I have a lot of free time to myself with a lot of high tech equipment. I am definitely not complaining.

The entire point of this blog is to brag that the annoying children have left the room, and I am now going to go start a tour on Rock Band.

I have to admit that it really is awesome to be me a lot of the time.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Not to be blunt or anything...

I hate being a girl when I'm PMSing more than I hate being a girl when I actually have my period. I was just thinking that I've noticed that a lot of my LiveJournal friends only seem to post entries when they have something negative to blog about. I'm not saying all of my LJ friends do this; they do not. In fact, there are several peoples' journals that I read for the sheer joy of devouring the nuggets of happiness that they post on a regular basis. Anyway, I was thinking about these people, whom I think I will refer to as "misery bloggers," and I realized that I am PMSing. I realized this because, suddenly, I had a desire to blog about the negative things going on in my life.

And then I realized that there are no negative things going on in my life. Aside from being slightly hungover and still a little sick, I've had a great couple days. My boyfriend came home from his business trip early just to be with me. I made a little extra money on Thursday by helping out one of my roommates. I got to sit around with my roommates and a few beers and watch the Veep debate. I am intelligent enough to be able to sit around with my roommates and actually enjoy a political debate. Yesterday, I got some minor errands done earlier in the day, chilled with my roommates for a bit, and then went to Oktoberfest with Boyfriend. We drank a little, walked around a lot, and eventually went to Murphy's for dinner and more beverages of the alcoholic kind. We met a friend of his and had rather pleasant, intoxicated, intelligent conversation. Boyfriend and I went back to his place, thoroughly enjoyed the rest of our waking hour, and went to sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat that last part this morning, and, frankly, there is no reason for me to be sad in any way.

If I really had to work on it, I'm sure I could come up with a million tiny things to really be miserable about, but I'm going to fight my hormones and just not. It really is so funny to me that I can be so cognizant of the fact that the cause of my general insecurities and desire to cry for no real reason stems from my period being right around the corner. What is not funny to me is that in so many ways, it's really hard to fight those feelings.

In other, completely unrelated news: I've logged several more listens to the majority of The Glass Passenger. It's still amazing.

Friday, October 3, 2008

It started feeling like October.

And now I have nothing music-related to look forward to for quite some time. Let me phrase that better. I have no new albums coming out in the near future that excite me half as much as even the mere idea of The Glass Passenger.

I pre-ordered Jack's Mannequin's new album approximately a month before its release. I still have not received my physical copy of the album, which comes with a lot of cool extra stuff. On October 1st, I was rather freaked out about this fact. And then I remembered the glorious fact that I still have the Zune pass. So, I went and downloaded The Glass Passenger in a matter of minutes, synced it to my Zune, and was on my merry way. I had my music; crisis averted.

As I was driving to boyfriend's house the other day, I started listening to the album. I do not normally like to do this. I either like to have a long drive where I can listen to the entire album uninterrupted, or I like to lock myself in my room in order to do the same. This is the first time that I have listened to something so anticipated in little pieces and chunks. It's a somewhat new experience, and it's not altogether horrible, either. Anyway, as I was driving to Boyfriend's, I had a perfect song moment. I had a perfect song moment with a song I don't even know that well yet. (Does that make me a music slut? Hm.) I think in order to effectively explain, I must first describe a perfect song moment.

For me, a perfect song moment usually happens when I'm driving. I don't know why; it just does. This moment requires that you are completely in your head, yet completely connected to everything going on around you. And in that moment, everything that you are thinking about, and everything that is going on around you sync up with the music in the most fantastic way. This happened as I was listening to "Swim." It's a song about kinda pushing forward no matter what, and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with fall, but at that moment in time, it was the perfect background music for a perfect fall day. I was in my car; I had my new green coat on. As I drove across the bridge and looked over at the park, a football team was scrimmaging on the field. As I turned a corner, a schoolbus was just pulling up to a stop, and a crossing guard was waving little kids across the street. I just paused and thought, "This is it." And throughout all of this, "Swim" was playing through my speakers and just making everything seem right.

I think The Glass Passenger may become my fall album. Whenever I listen to it, I will think of fall. It will get heavy rotation during the months of September, October, and November. Everything In Transit is more of a transition album from Spring to Summer. The Glass Passenger is definitely fall. I love how I'm determining this and I haven't even listened to the whole thing yet.