Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One down...

One ridiculous thing to go. RDC just finished the annual Bach Festival on Sunday. That's a load off my mind. Now, I just have to really actually learn my effing lines for this other thing I'm doing, which will be over come Saturday night. I have inventory on Sunday, so I'm looking at approximately 12 hours of work, but then everything winds down and goes back to normal for a bit. And hopefully by going back to normal for a bit I mean that my voice comes back at 100%. I'm tired of pussy-footing around when it comes to singing.

You know, I really hated the St. John's Passion when we started it for Bach fest. Now, I can't get it out of my head. It truly was a wonderful experience, and I'm lucky to have had it. I wanted to wax poetic on how there are very few things that can cause me to shed tears of sheer happiness. I'm not going to go into ridiculous detail, but my choir director at the end of a really strong performance is one of those people who can make you cry tears of joy through the mere strength of his enthusiasm. A few tears did squeak out. And it was awesome.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm having a hard time writing in here. Everything is way too up and down at this point to really get a handle on anything before I'm jerked to the next thing or idea or plan. I've been writing a lot of journal entries on actual paper as I'm subbing. I'll get around to putting those in here.